High-end Portrait Photography + Image Editing + Video Editing


Art is Our Passion

Bring Your visions to life
with Us

Artverse Agency

All you need to know


About Us

We are a Melbourne based, online platform providing solutions to artists and photographers, offering an online global platform allowing them to showcase their works.

Artverse Agency provides support and alternative solutions to up-coming artists, entertainers, influencers, bloggers, including providing assistance with promotions, portfolio design and advertising.

Our online platform allows access to some of our best photographers, offering graphical photographic support to blogger’s and for specific advertising missions, whilst providing

art directions for cinematography, inspired by the principles that historians of cinema applied to the likes of William Dickson, 3mm films and Georgios Melies.

Director and founder, award winning photographer Jordi Xourafas, voted New York’s Best Couple Choice Photographer, Awarded Best Couples Photographer, and awarded the Photo Biennale Venice 2016, provides his knowledge and  years of experience including global co-operations, helping, supporting and promoting companies and businesses to showcase their products and art works. Showcases include food photography, products photography, biographical portraits,  on a global scale throughout Europe and the USA. Jordi’s  mission statement and vision is “To provide Australia with quality artistic solutions, which will showcase our country in the best possible way – I want to make Australia the Centre of Art whilst staying true to my philosophy, See the world through my eyes.”